U of T, while architecturally beautiful and majestic, is not only beautiful on the outside. For anyone seeking inspiration for their latest article for The Varsity’s Arts & Culture section — or perhaps just seeking a break from the monotonous cycle of student life — look no further than your very own campus! That’s right — all three U of T campuses are home to unique works of art that, quite frankly, speak for themselves. Despite that, I’ll serve as the spokesperson for them today — this article is your one-stop shop for all things artistic across the U of T campuses.


First up: UTM. The Department of Visual Studies at UTM hosts the Blackwood Gallery, a contemporary art gallery that features the work of both local and international artists. With around five exhibitions a year, the Blackwood Gallery is an art spot at the UTM campus that you surely won’t want to pass up.

UTM also houses the Multimedia Studio Theatre (MiST), which is available for the whole UTM community. As a flexible theatre space, MiST can be a classroom, performance space, or theatrical lab. It is a great place to catch diverse shows from theatre, drama, and performance studies students.


Next, we have UTSC. Though perhaps not revered for its architectural aesthetic, this campus is abundant with its own little magic. UTSC hosts the beautiful Gallery 1265, an entirely student-run contemporary gallery founded in 2004. Full of opportunities to submit your own visual art, Gallery 1265 celebrates innovative design and student voice. The gallery frequently hosts exhibitions and workshops — most recently, a henna design workshop and summer exhibitions. UTSC also offers a fantastic music and culture program, whose students perform culminating concerts featuring small ensembles, choirs, and concert bands. Although they were held virtually this year, these concerts have always been a highlight of the music program at UTSC, as they showcase the incredible work of music students.


And of course, last but not least, we have UTSG. Home to Hart House, a renowned jazz program, and the Centre for Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies, there’s no doubt that the downtown Toronto campus is home to some incredible art. You can find jazz students performing across the city at places like The Rex and even a professor who doubles as an artistic director at the Toronto International Film Festival, but UTSG is also chock-full of art right on campus.

Though currently closed, the Art Museum is one of the largest gallery spaces in Toronto. Research, art history, and art for art’s sake are all celebrated at this museum, and it’s definitely a must-see for any UTSG visual art enthusiasts.

The Innis Town Hall Theatre, though sometimes used as a lecture space, is actually a fully equipped cinema. The theatre often screens films and hosts cultural events within the Toronto community. It is worth checking out — especially on Friday nights, when film screenings are free, courtesy of the Cinema Studies Students Union and Innis Town Hall.

Now, bear in mind that this is merely a taste of all the incredible art that the University of Toronto has to offer. Art is abundant throughout U of T, and I urge you to go out on your very own excursions to discover the beauty within these walls.

Who knows? You might even develop a newfound appreciation for your campus.